Thorndike Productions

Thorndike Productions is a New England indie film company based out of southern New Hampshire. There are all kinds of stories that needs to be told out there, Thorndike Productions aims to tell them with the creativity and passion that is only seen in the world of indie film.

  • Anxietatem - A Bilingual Short Film

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Although Thorndike Productions was established in 2019, Ryan David Rogers (it’s founder and owner) has been working in the New England indie film scene since 2012 with his time on set being primarily behind the camera. Although it wouldn’t be till around 2019 when he would be starting to get hired more to handle production sound for various short films.

"Anxietatem" director (Ryan David Rogers) and cinematographer (KJ Traynor) are discussing how to approach the next scene for the indie short film
KJ Traynor (left) and Ryan David Rogers (right) on the set of “Anxietatem”